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Lakeland University Japan Blog

Welcoming Our Newest Faces: A Recap of Last Week’s Student Orientation

Welcoming Our Newest Faces: A Recap of Last Week’s Student Orientation


Welcoming Our Newest Faces: A Recap of Last Week’s Student Orientation

Last Monday, May 5th, our campus buzzed with excitement as we welcomed our new English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students and new undergraduates from across the globe. Our diverse incoming class includes students from Japan, China, Nepal, Thailand, Iran, the Philippines, South Korea, Pakistan, the United States, and other countries, making this orientation day one rich with diverse cultures and languages.

“We wanted to help build college spirit from their first day! It was really nice to meet all the new students in-person. We combined EAP and undergraduates for the first time, and I think it was great for them to all meet each other as well.” ~ Yuko Takamatsu, Student Affairs Director.

The day started bright and early, with approximately 88 of our newest learners joining us for a comprehensive introduction to campus life. The Student Affairs Department, along with staff, faculty, and members of the Student Guild Association (SGA), had a full schedule planned to ease our students into their new environment.

Our newcomers were guided through the essential logistics of logging into university services, ensuring they were all set to navigate their courses and requirements seamlessly. They were treated to an extensive campus tour with each stop introducing them to crucial resources such as the Learning Center and the Library, staples of student life here at LUJ.

But it wasn't all formalities—the SGA hosted engaging trivia games that not only broke the ice but also deepened the students' knowledge about their new academic home. The games were a hit, with winners walking away proudly in LUJ T-shirts, a perfect memento of their first day.

Classes kicked off the very next day, Tuesday, May 6th. Teachers and staff made a point to introduce themselves, helping everyone put faces to names. This personal touch helped foster a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, encouraging new students to connect and form friendships that will support them through the exciting challenges ahead.

To round off the orientation, a light lunch was provided, giving everyone a chance to mingle and chat in a relaxed setting. It was a delightful opportunity for students to meet and bond, hopefully forming the foundation of strong friendships.

The success of the day was made possible through the concerted efforts of the Student Affairs Department, faculty, staff, and the SGA, all of whom played a pivotal role in making our new students feel at home.

As we move forward into the academic year, we are excited to see how our new students will grow and enrich our university community. Welcome to the LUJ community - go muskies!

Photo credit: Bard