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Lakeland University Japan News

High School Interns for the "JOB CHALLENGE 2024" Program step into LUJ

High School Interns for the


High School Interns for the "JOB CHALLENGE 2024" Program step into LUJ

In an exciting new initiative, Lakeland University Japan (LUJ) recently welcomed six high school students participating in the "JOB CHALLENGE 2024," a program launched by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education (TMBoE). This pilot program is aimed at students with English proficiency equivalent to CEFR-B1 (Eiken Level 2) or higher and is designed to provide practical career experience and enhance global awareness.

The "JOB CHALLENGE 2024" initiative gives high school students the opportunity to explore their career interests and apply their English skills in real-world settings. The program's goal is to raise students' awareness of the global stage and motivate them to continue improving their English proficiency. Given the success of this pilot, the TMBoE plans to expand the "JOB CHALLENGE" program next year, aiming for a full-scale implementation.

The Interns

The interns were selected from over 200 high schools supervised by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education (TMBoE). Six students, each from a different public high school in the Tokyo region, arrived on LUJ's campus on August 2nd. During their time at LUJ, and under the careful guidance of Student Affairs Outreach officer, Yuko Takamatsu, they attended staff meetings, assisted with the university's graduation preparations, and worked at our "American" graduation ceremony the following day. This experience allowed them to engage with an international academic community and observe English used in both professional and celebratory contexts.

Faculty and staff were highly impressed with the interns' professionalism and helpfulness. They approached their tasks with seriousness and enthusiasm, always maintaining a cheerful demeanor. One of their favorite responsibilities was helping the faculty dress in their regalia and making pleasant small talk in English as they did so. The LUJ community was genuinely sad to have them for only two days.

“I want to offer them a longer internship, or even a job! They are that great,” said Associate VP Charlie Stockman. “Wow, their English is so good!” stated Student Affairs and Outreach Officer Yuko Takamatsu.

We already miss their happy faces and positive energy!