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Lakeland University Japan News

Celebrating the Class of 2024

Celebrating the Class of 2024


Celebrating the Class of 2024

“Keep learning, keep striving, and keep trying to make positive changes in the world.”

These powerful words from Dean Charles Laurier encapsulated the spirit of Lakeland University Japan's graduation ceremony held on August 3rd. The event celebrated the hard-earned achievements of both Bachelor of Arts and Associate of Arts degree graduates.

Commencement Highlights:

The ceremony commenced with a heartfelt welcome speech by Dr. Anderson Passos, followed Dean Charles Laurier's speech which further inspired the graduates, highlighting the significance of their accomplishments, especially for those who studied far from home and in a second language. He emphasized the unlimited possibilities awaiting them and the responsibilities they hold to contribute positively to society.

We then got to listen to a moving address from BA graduate William Hardiman, who expressed his gratitude to the key faculty and staff, along with his friends and family, who supported his academic journey.

Dr. Deirdre Gonsalves-Jackson, Vice President of Global Campus at Virginia Wesleyan University (VWU), delivered a poignant speech, urging graduates to "Thank your village that got you here."

Mr. Tai Ishizaka, Guidance Officer Manager for Sumida Ward office, also addressed the graduates, offering valuable insights and encouragement.

The ceremony was a joyous occasion, attended by family and friends who captured the memorable moments in photos. After the formal proceedings, attendees enjoyed beverages and bakery snacks, with beautiful floral arrangements from a local Ryogoku florist adding a touch of elegance to the celebration.

Congratulations to all the graduates, and best wishes for your future endeavors!

Official graduation photos will be emailed to students at their Lakeland email address.