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COVID-19 Guidelines

COVID-19 Updates

Lakeland University Japan is closely monitoring government and health office regulations and recommendations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will share all current information needed by students, faculty and staff about the university’s response, so please refer to it throughout this situation. 

Since the Fall 2023 semester, all classes have been held IN-PERSON for both EAP and the Undergraduate programs. For COVID-19 and flu related questions about attendance, please read the information provided below. 

Students are expected to attend classes IN-PERSON unless you:

  1. Have recently tested positive for either COVID-19 or the flu. Please note that not all courses will offer remote attendance as options. You will need to contact and all your course instructors immediately to determine what online attendance may be available for your classes. 
  2. Already have or are seeking approval for accommodations that allow you to take courses online. Accommodations that allow online class participation need to be approved in advance by the Accommodations Committee, who can be reached at




  1. 「新型コロナウイルス陽性者」またはインフルエンザになった学生。
  2. 学校から承認を得た学生

    Protocols for Visiting Campus

    1. All students, employees, and visitors are asked to respectfully socially distance and avoid gathering in large numbers. 
    2. As of March 13, 2023, in accordance with the Japanese government and professional health office guidelines, masks will be optional in all on-campus settings at LUJ, without exceptions. This also includes LUJ-sponsored outdoor activities and/or events. All members of the LUJ community and visitors are welcome to continue wearing masks if they choose to (whether for personal or medical reasons), and it is important that we all respect the individual decisions being made by those around us. 
    3. If your temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius (99.5 degrees Fahrenheit), you are not feeling well, or you have persistent cold symptoms, please DO NOT come to the campus. Students should immediately notify their instructors if they do not plan to attend a class, and should refer to the course syllabi to confirm each instructor's policy regarding sick days and/or make-up classes. 
    4. Anyone visiting the campus is asked to sanitize their hands at any of the stations located off the elevators. Sanitizing stations are also found throughout the campus and we encourage everyone to use them frequently. 

    Any changes to the campus hours or protocols will be announced to students via email and reflected on this page. 


    1. 全学生・教職員・訪問者は、ソーシャルディスタンスを保つようにし、大人数で集まることは避けてください。

    2. 政府のマスク着用方針の見直しにより、2023年3月13日以降、マスク着用は個人の判断に委ねることになりました。それに伴い、レイクランド大学ジャパン・キャンパスでも政府の方針に従い、キャンパス内、または学校に関する校外活動でのマスク着用は個人の判断に委ねることとします。本人の意思に反してマスクの着脱を強いることがないよう、個人判断が尊重されるよう、十分な配慮をお願いします。

    3. 体温が37.5度以上の場合、体調が良くない場合、風邪の症状が続く場合は、大学へ来ないでください。

    4. 学生及び教員は、各授業が終了した後、使用した机・椅子を消毒するようご協力をお願いします。消毒液等を入れた箱を各教室に設置しています。


    1. Please do not come to the campus if you are showing signs of COVID-19 or flu related symptoms (i.e. a temperature of 37.5 or higher) or have recently tested positive for COVID-19 or the flu. 
    2. Keep up to date with the daily news, your local community and the Sumida ward home pages for COVID-19 related updates.

    1. 新型コロナウイルスの症状の兆候(37.5度以上の熱)が見られた場合、新型コロナウイルス感染またはインフルエンザ感染が確認された場合は大学へ来ないでください。

    2. 日々のニュースやご自身の自治体・墨田区のホームページなどで、新型コロナウイルスに関する最新情報を確認するようにしてください。

      If you test positive for the flu, please contact your instructors immediately and let them know you will not be attending classes until your symptoms are gone.
      If you test positive for COVID-19, please follow these steps: 

      Step 1: Contact the Student Affairs office ( It is important to let us know if you were recently on campus or in direct contact with other LUJ students, faculty, or staff members.

      Step 2: Contact your instructors to inform them you are unable to attend class. You should not return to the campus until you have tested negative after your quarantine period. Please contact all of your teachers and note that each class has its own attendance policy, which is explained in the course syllabus. Please follow the policies listed for each class and communicate with your instructor(s) if you have any questions. 



      ステップ 2:受講しているすべてのコースの先生に連絡を取り、療養期間後にテストを受け陰性結果が出るまで授業に参加できない旨を伝えましょう。クラスによって出欠席についての対応は異なります。コースシラバスに記載されているポリシーを確認してください。受講しているすべてのコースの先生と在宅期間中の出欠席対応について確認を取りましょう。

    We want all students, faculty, and staff to be healthy. If you are beginning to show signs of COVID-19 or the flu, you should get tested as soon as possible. If you choose to stay home for health reasons, you need to contact your instructors immediately to let them know of your absence and the reason. Please refer to your course syllabus to confirm each instructor's policy on sick days and/or make-up classes. 
