Now offering a 4-year B.A. degree in Tokyo
In addition to our Japan campus, students can explore their degrees in Wisconsin or Virginia
Are you a recent high school grad? Looking to advance your career or skills?
Our innovative programs help students grow and succeed
Mar. 13, 2025
Allow LUJ undergraduate Jake Hamilton to be your travel guide. Read More...
Mar. 8, 2025
All are within a short walk from the LUJ campus building. Read More...
Mar. 3, 2025
Any LUJ, LUW, VWU student, staff, faculty, or alumni can submit work. Read More...
Feb. 20, 2025
The February 20 event is co-sponsored by Ogury Japan. Read More...
Feb. 17, 2025
Garrett Speller's essay is titled "Confessions of an Otaku." Read More...
Feb. 10, 2025
Executive Coach Ginger Griggs Will Be Our Guest Speaker on Feb. 20. Read More...
Lakeland University Japan offers innovative ways for students to earn their academic degrees and make their career goals a reality.
Beginning your degree at our Tokyo campus, you’ll find yourself immersed in an exciting and global campus with students and faculty from Japan and around the world. From there you’ll have options to stay in Japan and complete your fully-accredited B.A. degree, or transfer to either of our sister-schools in Virginia or Wisconsin. In short, your college experience and pathway to a career can be as local or global as you would like.
A few other reasons why students choose LUJ:
LUJ is an Experiential Education institution. We believe the best way to learn is by combining knowledge with real-life practice. This includes professional work experience through more traditional internships as well as Lakeland’s award-winning Cooperative Education program. Both options give students the advantage of expanding and deepening their understanding of various studies by applying new knowledge and concepts in real-world situations. Another unique aspect of LUJ’s experiential education is our Student-Run Businesses (SRB’s), which are on-campus businesses that help students hone their business and entrepreneurship skills while earning course credit and employee wages.
“I chose LUJ simply because I’ve wanted to study within an English environment since I feel more motivated and empowered studying in English. I know there’s many other Japanese institutions that offer classes in English but LUJ was the best match for me as there’s more opportunities to really feel international cultures compared to other Japanese universities. “
“By going to LUJ, I feel like I’m truly creating a life/future for myself here in Japan. Getting my degree in the country I plan on working in has made me feel sure of my future in Japan. There is also the opportunity to talk with LUJ staff who have a lot of long-term experience living and working in Japan.”
“The main reason I enrolled in Lakeland University Japan was because I could not only learn English, but I could actually "use" English to learn about my field of interest. I decided to go on to the four-year program at Lakeland University to study hospitality. I also joined an on-campus venture and am now in charge of sales and marketing. It is not easy to balance studying and working, but the opportunity for us students to operate the cafe and other facilities on campus is an experience that is not available at other universities.I was anxious and worried about entering an American university, but now that is a fond memory.“
“I chose LUJ because I wanted to get the American college life experience that I felt was never possible in Japan. I would recommend LUJ to other people because it forces people (primarily in Japan) to get out of their comfort zone and learn about other cultures from people that actually live in those different countries.”
“After coming to Japan for the first time, I knew I’d never be able to say goodbye. When my time came to return back to the states, I looked at all options available for me to stay, and LUJ was the best option. Their 4 year BA program was also a no-brainer because I want to work in Japan after graduation.”
“I was interested in learning things in English and I wanted to go to an American university, but had little confidence in my English. LUJ was perfect because it is an environment where I can use both English and Japanese and be around Japanese people doing the same thing and be able to get help from them when I need it.”
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Lakeland helped you, now it’s your turn to help the next generation. There are plenty of ways to get and stay involved, and ample opportunities for continued career and social networking. Learn all of the ways you can get involved!